Thursday, February 8, 2007

I only read blogs for the photos

Sorry for the delay in posting pictures. If you want the boring explination, read on, if not, just know I'm trying and there will be photos soon.


I do most of my computer work in one of two places, neither of which is ideal for blogging. Joe's office is somewhat convenient and free, but his computer is ancient (think back when beige desktops were in) and the internet connection is slower than dial up. Yes, he posts photos from there, but it takes him hours and usually the computer crashes halfway through and he has to start over--I am not that patient. When I need a speedier connection (like for my schoolwork) I head on down to CSK, my favorite 'net café. CSK, however, does not support blogger (but it oddly supports other google applications) so I can't post from there. What this means is that I usually end up writing my posts at CSK, saving them using Writely, and then posting them whenever I get to Joe's office again (where I can't post photos). There are other 'net cafés, but these have a tendency to be, ummm, less than desirable.

There's actually a 'net café in the very building where I reside, but entering at certain times of day is potentially fatal. I've never been a fan of public computers, having mucho previous experience with them at the library, but I would rather lick a random keyboard at good old KCPL then just sit in the chairs at some of these cafés. The gross-out factor is usually due to a combination of the following:

1. Most of the cafés are open 24 hours (when can they be properly cleaned?)

2. Most sell greasy food which can be eaten while using the computers (which no one is cleaning)

3. Some don't have bathrooms, and even if they do no one wants to leave the computer they're paying for to use them (guess what happens)

4. Most are poorly lit and badly ventilated (no where for the smell to go)

Now, take yucky teenage boys, put them in a café at, say 7:00pm, where they play computer games with their friends until 7:00am eating nothing but soda and greasy food, refusing to leave their game if they need to use the restroom (if there is a restroom), in a small, dark, stuffy room and you get an indescribable funk that once forced Joe to flee the café in our building fearing that he would toss his cookies before he even got a chance to log on.


Since I know all of you love me and value my health I will continue to only use CSK which does not meet any of the above conditions that are met by 90% of the 'net cafés here. What this means is that I'm still working on the photos, but next month I move into a real house with a high-speed internet connection, so if you only read blogs for the photos, check back in a few weeks and (*hopefully*) you won't be disappointed.

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